If you’ve been sticking with the same providers for home internet, mobile phone, utilities or banking, the ease of knowing exactly where you are can quite quickly become jaded when one hears stories from friends and family members about how little they are paying compared to you. Whilst these annoying instances might make you want to mope around and feel sorry for your wallet, the best thing to do is to get out there, shop around, and find out which deals you could be taking advantage of. Many companies and providers offer new customers excellent deals as an incentive to switch, and these offers could save you a pretty penny overall!
GiffGaff- iPhone 6 Tariff
Even as every person and their dog finds themselves hankering for a smartphone nowadays, mobile phone companies have been widely reluctant to pass on any savings to consumers, guarding their tariffs and charging huge premiums. Apart from GiffGaff, that is. The mobile provider offers customers who buy a handset (yes, it’s £539, but the cost will make sense soon) a 500 minute, unlimited text, 1GB of internet deal, for just £10 a month on a 1 month contract. Over 24 months that’s £779, compared to £935.76 for EE (free handset) and £912 for O2 (also with a free handset)! New customers also get free unlock codes for their phones, thus avoiding the rip-off rates set by the big phone companies.
Enjoyed only very occasionally, and with strict limits imposed on spending, online gaming can be a fun way to pass a boring moment. Betsafe is one of the most trusted providers out there, and offers new customers a wealth of offers; welcome bonuses up to €1000, the free entry into €500 new player tournaments and free loyalty points (which can be exchanged for cold, hard cash).
Plusnet- Fibre-Optic Broadband
In a market dominated by BT, Sky and Virgin, finding good deals that aren’t with these often annoying providers can be rather difficult. Luckily, Plusnet are currently offering new customers the chance to get an 18-month contract on its highly rated service for £480. New customers only have to pay £3.75 a month for the first six months, the price rising to a pretty respectable £14.99 a month subsequently. The download limit is unlimited and the connection can attain speeds of up to 38MB, making this deal a fair one for eagle-eyed consumers.
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