Walmart crowded at Thanksgiving

The world’s biggest company revenue-wise

on July 25 | in All, Economy, Rankings | by | with No Comments

Do you ever wonder what the biggest companies in the world are? Think that there is a good chance that tech giants such as Apple or Samsung are going to be on the top of the list? Well you may be slightly surprised by the outcome by the recent Fortune Global 500 list.

This list ranks companies from across the world by revenue, and is a way to see which business are booming and which may not be doing quite so well. Before looking at the list, rest assured that no individual will ever reach these yearly figures, not even those who dream of pulling the jackpot in online slots or any other game in a casino.

So who is the top?

For the past 3 years the top business in the list has been Asda owner Walmart. They have 12,000 stores throughout 28 countries, have 2.3 million employees and took in £374bn of turnover last year alone.

Unsurprisingly, Walmart have managed to make it 4 years in t row. Making them the biggest company right now in the world.

When you think of all the things that Walmart sell and stock, this probably isn’t quite as surprising as you may think. Groceries, clothes and electronics. These are all things that are sold in Asda stores, and they are popular options across the world.

Who else was on the list?

What about the rest of the companies in the world? Not every name in the list are names that you may have heard of, and you may be surprised by just how far down the list some of the biggest names in the world come. Although this is important to remember that this list is formed by revenue alone.

Apple offices in San José

Apple offices in San José

Here is the list for you:

  1. Walmart Supermarket- USA £374bn
  2. StateGrid- Electricity-China- £243bn
  3. Sinopec Group-Oil-China £206bn
  4. China Petroleum- Oil- China £202bn
  5. Toyota Motor- Cars- Japan £196bn
  6. Volkswagen- Cars- Germany £185bn
  7. Royal Dutch Shell- Oil- Anglo- Dutch £184bn
  8. Berkshire Hathaway- Funds- USA £172bn
  9. Apple- Tech- USA £166bn
  10. Exxon Mobil- Oil- USA- £156bn

As you can see, it seems that oil really is big business when it comes to making money across the world. However, it comes as no surprise that the tech giants Apple come in on the list. Although you may have expected them to be higher than they were.

That said, none of the companies on the list are doing badly when you look at their revenue amounts and all of them are a huge success, particularly in their own industries.

We are looking forward to seeing what next year brings and whether there will be any changes in the order!

Sources: /

Toyota headquarters in California

Toyota headquarters in California

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