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The Australian gaming market

The Australian gaming market grows

on February 2 | in All, Opinion | by | with No Comments

Have you heard the news about Australia? Based on information released from the Interactive Games and Entertainment Association, the Australian games industry continues to grow. This is partly due to the release of the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 in 2014, which has supported the continued growth of video games.

The online gaming industry is growing in popularity as well. With this new found notoriety comes a slew of new online gaming sites, some very good, some not so much. To help you weed through the clutter, pay a visit to

Casino Games City was inspired by the controversial guilty pleasure known as online gambling. But, to be more precise, playing online pokies for real cash. This site is geared towards the Australian audience and, as such, ensures that your gameplay is always optimal.

How is this possible? This site features comprehensive reviews of the hottest Australian-friendly online casinos. In this way, you are always on the pulse with the hottest games and the best casinos on the internet.

Annual sales in the gaming industry are in the billions of dollars across Australia and most of this revenue were generated by hardware sales.

Consoles sales, in particular, continue to grow in dramatic fashion. For instance, brick and mortar retailers have seen an increase in the demand for current gen consoles. This has also led to an increase in demand for new console accessories, software, and items like game cards. This tremendous growth shows that developers and publishers are doing a good job of catering to the buying habits of a digitally connected customer base.

Most of this growth is due to the fact that both consoles are selling in large numbers, even after their initial launch in November 2013. This is a great sign that indicates that video games are still a growth industry in Australia. It also shows that consumers are still very much interested in buying traditional consoles at retail prices.

Digital games sales were also a huge driver for success, with a large double digits sales increase. The mobile market also saw a dramatically large year-on-year increase with sales just shy of $1 billion.

As you can see the Australian gaming market is in excellent shape, led by growth in digital and next gen consoles. Developers, publishers, and platform holders continue to see a huge demand for the products and this positions the industry for even more growth in the coming years.

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A console gaming pad in a word bundle

A console gaming pad in a word bundle

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