Purchase of the 45% that Vodafone owns at Verizon Wireless for 130 billion dollars should be announced today.
The board of Vodafone met yesterday and today is the turn of the board of Verizon decide on the offer to stay in full control of the network American wireless.
In exchange for 98 300 euros (130 billion dollars) Verizon gets the 45% that Vodafone owns in the joint venture for distribution of wireless network in the United States. According to Bloomberg and the Financial Times, the companies have reached an agreement and the deal should be confirmed publicly today.
The agreement is structured to about half of the 98 300 million is paid through stocks, while the other half will be in cash. The deal also involves the exit of Verizon from Vodafone Italia, which the U.S. company owns 23%. One side of the unknowns is how much Vodafone will retain and how much will distribute to its shareholders.
The 130 billion dollars makes it the third largest deal ever in Mergers and Acquisitions, according to the Financial Times.
The complete control of the joint venture will enable Verizon access an EBIT results in the order of 16,500 million euros (21,800 million dollars) and give a boost in his wireless network, at a time that the Sprint, the third largest distributor of wireless network in the U.S., is gaining market share, after being bought by Japan’s Softbank already this year.
Vodafone’s shares rose more than 3% in London.
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