British government is expected to announce its exit of Lloyds this month

on June 11 | in All, Economy | by | with No Comments

British government will sell the 39% that the state holds in Lloyds and will offer taxpayers the opportunity to purchase shares at a discount.

British Finance Minister is expected to announce later this month the sale of 39% shares held by the State in Lloyds, offering taxpayers the opportunity to buy shares at a discount compared to the market price.

According to The Times, quoted by financial news agency Bloomberg, George Osborne’s plan, to be presented in a speech at the official residence of the mayor of London, should be preceded by the release of a study by Policy Exchange, a research institute, which favors this option.

According to The Times, the shares held by the UK government worth over 20 billion euros, and is not yet clear whether the shares will be sold in one go or if it will be a phased process.


Source: Bloomberg

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